STEAM Powered

Conversations with women in STEAM about their journeys, what matters to them, and what they learned along the way.

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Building compassionate tech, and advocating for diverse voices
17 Mar 2024

Building compassionate tech, and advocating for diverse voices with Bec Nguyen

For many of my guests, the careers and fields that we're in now didn't exist or were just newly conceived when we were at university. So those indirect paths I often speak about were just a matter of course. Bec Nguyen is the director of Upbeat Digital and a specialist in UX in digital health. Join us as we speak about her winding path to User Experience Design and design thinking as it grew as a space, building compassionate tech, and advocating for diverse voices no matter what industry you're in.

Popular Episodes

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    Geochemistry and geochronology with Stephanie E. Suarez

  • Planetary Sciences

    Planetary Sciences with Dr Carly Howett

  • The human side of clinical development and re-inspiring curiosity in science

    The human side of clinical development and re-inspiring curiosity in science with Leah Elson

Past Episodes

Chasing fireballs and the evolution of our solar system
18 Feb 2024

Chasing fireballs and the evolution of our solar system with Professor Gretchen Benedix

We've spoken about indirect career paths, but Professor Gretchen Benedix calls hers the pinball method, starting on a course that could change direction when she strikes something that she'd like to delve more into. This method has served Gretchen well and has given her opportunities to work with Dr Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, chase fireballs over the desert, hunt meteorites in Antarctica, and even get an asteroid named after her. Join us as we speak with Gretchen about her journey to astrogeology, discovering how the solar system evolved, and the Desert Fireball Network.

Veterinary policy and mental health
12 Dec 2023

Veterinary policy and mental health with Dr Lydia Pethick

A common misconception about veterinary sciences is that it’s all about puppies and kittens, but that’s not always the case. Like other care providers, vets can have it tough in the service of the community and there is a lot of active work being done to ensure the vet industry, its people, the community, and not just the animals, can thrive. Join us as we speak with Dr Lydia Pethick, veterinarian, motivational speaker, and television presenter about working in policy and biosecurity as a vet, the state of mental health and wellbeing in the veterinary industry, and the actionable things we can do to positively impact our mindset and prevent burnout.

Plant immune systems and SciArt
25 Nov 2023

Plant immune systems and SciArt with Eleonora Moratto

A common thread between the arts and the sciences is storytelling. In both scenarios you’re building worlds, and creating an understanding of the mechanisms that make the system work (or not work), and the relationships within that bubble. Eleonora Moratto is the Biology Ballerina. She is a freelance professional ballet dancer, and is currently completing her PhD in plant pathogen interactions. Join us as we speak about Eleonora’s work exploring electrical fields and plant immune systems, and her journey as a SciArtist.